Fusion Business, LLC.

We Help Business Grow


Sell online and in person with an ecommerce platform. We help you create and manage your online pressence and/or your brick and mortar, with tools for design, catalog, cart, payment, order, inventory, marketing, and analytics. It is affordable, easy to use, scalable, and flexible. Focus on your business not your technology.


We are a leading IT consulting firm that specializes in ecommerce platform solutions. We can help you choose and implement the best ecommerce platform for your needs, and integrate it with your payroll, point of sale, and CRM systems. We can also provide you with support and maintenance services. With our IT consulting services, you can enjoy the benefits of having a robust, secure, and scalable ecommerce platform that meets your business goals and customer expectations.

Point of Sale

With our point of sale (POS) system for our ecommerce platform you have a complete solution that lets you sell your products online and in person. Its intergrated with your online store, syncs your data across all your sales channels, and offers powerful ecommerce features. With the POS system for our platform, you can grow your business faster and easier.


Our analytics and AI-driven approach not only personalizes the online experience but also strategically directs shoppers to physical locations.  Targeting coupons to what the customer wants and not what they have already purchased.  By using AI to sift through the data collected by eCommerce solution coupled with data collected by the mobile app we will be able to reduce advertising costs by more then half.

Have questions, feel free to call and a team member will be happy to help.
 +1 (919) 891-5609